Category: Updates (page 1 of 13)

Aquarius Yoga News

Dear yogi/nis
This month we’re focusing on finding equilibrium as the seasons shift. Aligning our practice with spring’s energy and finding balance between stability, strength and steadiness with gentleness, relaxation and joy. The ancient yoga texts remind us of the wisdom at the heart of yoga philosophy. The same truths that resonated with people 5000 years ago, are still relevant today. One of those pearls is the value of finding balance between Sthira ( stability and strength ) & Sukha ( comfort and ease.) “The most advanced yoga practices do not necessarily entail the most skill in asana. In my years as a yoga teacher, I’ve observed that yoga practice can become quite advanced regardless of physical aptitude and that some of the most advanced practices can evolve in a wheelchair.
Looking forward to seeing you in Market hall on Tuesday 09 April.
Namaste & Love Sima

Revised term date

Dear yogis,
Thank you for your lovely emails regarding our return back to mat.
I have decided to extend our break by another week and start the new term in Market hall on Tuesday 09 April.
I appreciate your thoughts and look forward to continuing my journey toward wholeness with you.
Much love,

Term end

Dear Yogi friends,
I hope this finds you in good health.
Just a quick reminder that term ends this evening at St Mary’s.
We will return back to mat on Tuesday 02 April and I’m hoping Market hall will have reopened by then.
I wish you all a wonderful break and look forward to seeing you in April.
Love & Light

Love week

Dear Yogi friend,
Let’s spread the love this week!
Before you can love anyone or anything else fully, you have to learn to love yourself. How can we share what we don’t give ourselves?
TO OPEN YOUR HEART TO LOVE, you need to forgive yourself for your mistakes, for the past, for being judgemental. Then you need to forgive others. Let go of grudges, of anger, and just forgive
“The weak can never forgive, Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” MAHATMA GANDHI
Back on mat this evening at St Mary’s.
With love,

Restorative Yoga

Dear Yogis,
I Hope this finds you well.
As promised in the January newsletter, the style of yoga on the last Tuesday of every month will be restorative.
Restorative yoga is a restful practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. In restorative yoga, props, cushions, blankets and bolsters are used extensively to support your body so you can hold poses for longer periods of time.
Restorative classes are typically mellow and low energy, making them a great complement to more active practices ( as well as our busy lives ) and an excellent antidote to stress.
Please bring yoga props, cushions, a blanket and a bolster if you have one.

Please note that no class is scheduled for Tuesday 06 Feb as the hall is unavailable.
Warmest Namaste

First Full Moon of 2024

Dear Yogis,
As we transition into the magical realm of January, a celestial energy is set to unfold under the enchanting glow of the January Full Moon, commonly known as the Wolf Moon. This lunar spectacle invites us to delve into the spiritual significance of this radiant event and align our practice with the essence of the Wolf Moon.
A Lunar Embrace with the Wolf Moon
In the tapestry of celestial energies, the Wolf Moon holds a special place as it signifies a time of self exploration, inner strength, and the call of the wild. As the moonlight bathes the Earth, it whispers to the wolves, inspiring them to howl in unison. In our yogic journey, let this celestial energy guide us to explore the depths of our inner wilderness.
Howling with the Wolf Spirit
Much like the wild and free spirit of the wolf, the Wolf Moon urges us to embrace our authenticity, trust our instincts, and navigate the intricate landscapes of our souls. On your mat, let your practice echo the primal howl of the wolf. Engage in yoga poses that awaken your inner strength, balance, and connection to your true self.
1. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Embody the elongated stretch of the wolf, reaching your arms forward and your hips towards the sky, grounding yourself like the wild creature you are.
2. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): Channel the fierce energy of the wolf by stepping into Warrior II, feeling the strength and determination as you gaze over your extended arm.
3. Crescent Moon Pose (Anjaneyasana): Lift your heart to the moon, embodying the lunar energy and connecting with the transformative power of the Wolf Moon.
Setting Intentions for Lunar Transformation
As the Wolf Moon weaves its luminous magic, invite transformation into your life with intentions as potent as the wolf’s howl. In meditation, whisper intentions that resonate with the essence of the Wolf Moon:
“I embrace my wild authenticity, guided by the light of the Wolf Moon.” “I trust my instincts, navigating life’s journey with courage and grace.” “I am part of a cosmic pack, united in the dance of life and growth.” “I manifest my desires with the primal power of the Wolf Moon.”
Join Us Under the Cosmic Canopy
join me this evening for a Full Moon yoga session, welcoming the first Full Moon of 2024, a cosmic gathering where our individual howls merge into a symphony of unity. Together, let’s harness the transformative energy of this celestial event, allowing our practice to reach new heights as we explore the uncharted territories of our inner wilderness.
Celebrating Lunar Wisdom and Unity
As the Wolf Moon graces us with its celestial radiance, let us celebrate the wisdom it imparts – the strength in authenticity, the guidance of instincts, and the power of unity. This lunar event serves as a reminder that, like the wolf, we are resilient, wild, and part of a greater cosmic tapestry. Embrace the call of the Wolf Moon, deepen your practice, and revel in the unity that binds us all.
With wild love and luminous howls,
Sima Aquarius Yoga

Happy New Year, 2024

Dear Yogi friends,
Time for reflection and going inward.
We weathered storms and celebrated triumphs in 2023, but each moment has been a step in our journey towards intentional living. This is a time for reflection, but not just about recounting the events of 2023, but about embracing the lessons each moment has taught us.
New term starts next Tuesday 09 Jan at St Mary’s Church Rooms, Old Amersham ( across from St Mary’s Church, Please scroll down the page to see map.
Tuesday 09 Jan, Hatha Yoga
Tuesday 16 Jan, Hatha Yoga
Tuesday 23 Jan, Kundalini Yoga Full Moon Meditation
Tuesday 30 Jan, Restorative Yoga

Looking forward to seeing you back on mat next week.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the new temporary yoga space.
Love & light

Temporary yoga space

Dear yogi friends,
I hope this finds you in good health.

Most of you know that Market hall will be closed for refurbishment from January to march 2024! I have managed to secure St Mary’s Church Rooms, which is just around the corner from Market Hall.

The hall at St Mary’s will be a more suitable yoga space during the coldest months of the year!, and there’s also some allocated parking!

I’m sorry about this temporary change of venue, but I’m confident you’ll like it! It’s a 1 minute walk from Market hall and a much warmer floor to roll your mats on!

Thank you in advance for moving to St Mary’s with me from Tuesday 09 January.

Looking forward to seeing you tonight for our last yoga session of 2023.

Love & Light

Happy Holy Christmas

Dear Yogis,
As the holiday season whirls around us, our calendars fill with festivities, to-do lists, and the excitement of the approaching Christmas cheer. Amidst the joyful chaos, let’s take a moment to center ourselves and explore the profound impact of stillness on our energy. In this newsletter, we delve into the essence of tranquility as a guiding force to navigate the run-up to Christmas with poise and balance.

Finding Calm Amidst the Holiday Storm
The holiday season is a beautiful celebration of joy, love, and togetherness, but it can also bring a sense of overwhelm and fatigue. That’s where the magic of stillness comes in – a gentle, powerful practice that allows us to adjust our energy amidst the festive rush.

Why Stillness Matters:

Inner Reset: In the stillness of the present moment, we discover an inner reset button. It’s an opportunity to pause, breathe, and ground ourselves in the now, allowing our energy to naturally rebalance.

Mindful Reflection:

Stillness grants us the gift of mindful reflection. As we slow down, we can observe our thoughts, emotions, and energy levels without judgment, fostering self-awareness and clarity. Cultivating Presence: The holiday season is filled with precious moments. Stillness helps us fully embrace and appreciate these moments by cultivating presence and savoring the beauty of each experience.

Simple Stillness Practices for You:

Morning Mindfulness:

Begin your day with a few minutes of quiet reflection. Whether through meditation, deep breathing, or simply savoring a quiet cup of tea, set an intention for a calm and centered day. Nature Connection: Take a leisurely stroll outdoors, soaking in the beauty of nature. The simplicity of connecting with the natural world can be a profound source of stillness and energy realignment. Evening Unplug: Dedicate a few minutes each evening to unplug from screens and distractions. Allow yourself to unwind in a peaceful environment, creating a tranquil transition from the busyness of the day. Breath Awareness: Throughout your day, practice brief moments of breath awareness. A few mindful breaths can be a powerful tool to bring you back to the present and restore your energy.

Embrace the Gift of Stillness This Christmas

As we prepare for the festivities ahead, let’s remember that the greatest gift we can give ourselves is the gift of stillness. In those quiet moments, we find the strength to navigate the holiday season with grace, presence, and a heart full of joy.
Wishing you a season filled with peace and stillness,
Namaste & Love, Sima Term ends on Monday 18 Dec – New term begins on Wednesday 03 Jan.

Happy Movember

Dear yogis,
November is Men’s Health Awareness month, which focuses on promoting both physical and mental wellbeing among men.
Also known as Movember, some men grow moustaches to mark the month, which aims to challenge the stigma around men’s health issues, spark conversation, and promote early detection and intervention.
Why Men’s Mental Health Matters
Historically, societal expectations have often pressured men to be the unwavering pillars of strength, sometimes at the expense of their emotional well-being. This month, we’re shedding light on the importance of mental health for everyone, regardless of gender, and emphasising that it’s ok for men to seek support, express emotions, and prioritise self-care.
Yoga & Mental Well-being
Yoga isn’t just about flexibility and physical strength, it’s an Inward practice. Yoga offers tools to navigate the complexities of our minds, helping us find calm amidst chaos. For men, yoga can be a sanctuary – a space to release, Reflect and rejuvenate.
With Love

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